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The Estes Park Rotary Club Duck Race Festival is here! 

Cartoon duck mascot for Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival.

The 36th annual running-of-the-ducks down Fall River in Estes Park will be on May 4th.  May the forth be with you! 

Adopt a duck to support your all-volunteer Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District. Over the last 4 years these little yellow ducks have helped us raise over $15,000 to purchase much-needed equipment, including defibrillators and jaws-of-life tools.

Click here or scan the QR code below to jump straight to the PSFPD duck adoption page and get your "quack pack".

A black and white QR code.
get quacking and scan this code!









Thank you for supporting the Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District and our volunteer firefighters!


A decorative swirl line design, often used as a text divider or ornamentation.



Thank you for supporting the Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District and our volunteer firefighters!

PayPal donation (click "donate" link below, or scan QR code)

QR code for PayPal donations







Zelle donation: 

May contain: qr code








Venmo (@pinewoodspringsFPD)