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Fire Department

Photo of a helicopter on a helipad
Air Support

The Pinewood Springs Fire Department consists of community resident volunteers. Our volunteers put in many hours of training each year and all members are expected to participate.

As a new volunteer, you will be provided with a “mini academy” by our experienced officers and firefighters. This academy has a duration of approximately 6 – 10 weeks, where classes and hands on training of all equipment and apparatus are provided. During this time, our new members are placed in a probationary status. After completing the “mini academy” the members are evaluated and placed into an active status.

Photo of a helicopter and fire fighter
Med Evac Helicopter

All fire fighters will be certified in basic first aid. All certification opportunities will be provided by our department. Within the first two years, all members are afforded the opportunity and encouraged to certify as Emergency Medical RespondersStructure Fire Fighter 1, and Wildland fire certification. All certifications require a commitment of personal time and energy.

Firefighters are equally expected to maintain a regimen of exercise for physical fitness and is part of our yearly training cycle. Back ground checks are required when joining as a volunteer member. 

Ted Plank, Chief
Andrew Lucas, Assistant Chief
John Bykerk, Operations Assistant Chief
Brian Rappel, All Hazards / Operations Captain
Andrew Hart, Wildland Captain
Paul Legan, Lieutenant
Trevor Byron
Camilo Casas
Katie Edwards
Charlie Gau
Serena Jura
Steve LeMaire
Jessica Madden
Kirk Ping
Buck Rizvi
Ross Swanson
Tasha Wagner
Chris Lumazar (Probationary Firefighter)
Chris Madden (Probationary Firefighter) 
Travis Setere (Probationary Medic)
Larry Davis
Dick Wilcox
Gabriele Benson, PIS / Communications Specialist
Jennifer Rivas, PIS / Communications Specialist
Geri Plank, Command Aid
Libby Noble, Command Aid