PSFPD Board of Directors
Fire District Board of Directors
The Fire Board of Directors consists of Pinewood Springs community members. Board members are elected by the community every 2 years, and serve a 4 year term. Elections are held every 2 years in order to maintain a balance between newly elected members and experienced members. Meetings take place once monthly and are typically the 2nd Wednesday each month. If you wish to join the meeting via Zoom - please see the link below.
All financial decisions are determined by the board and/or are delegated to Department officers who manage routine supply purchases and reporting of required items purchased. Announcements regarding elections are posted at the Fire Station bulletin board, and at the Community bulletin board by the mailboxes.
Michael Graham, President
Ardean Johnson, Vice President
Patty Peritz, Treasurer
Mark Davis, Secretary
Kevin Noble, At-Large
Contact information:
Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District
61 Kiowa Road Lyons, CO 80540-8202
Phone (303) 823-5086
Board Meeting Zoom link:
Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District Transparency Notice